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Potters End Barn

Reported via mobile in the Public Rights of way category anonymously at 22:00, Thursday 4 July 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6193267.

Hi I have been walking this footpath for years past the barn and follow the public footpath signpost through the trees and over the bridge.

I noticed today that someone (presumably the new owners of the barn) have cut through some lovely bushes and created a new footpath and put some stakes down to indicate this is the new path. This takes the path away from their property and away from the path which is marked as public footpath (photos attached). I didn’t think you could just move a public footpath at will like this to avoid it being close to your property? I’m not sure it will get reported so I am doing so now.

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  • I have carried out a site visit, the footpath has been cleared by I assume the landowner, they have cleared the footpath on the definitive line. The route that has was available was not on the definitive (legal) line and hence why they must have cleared it. I am satisfied that what they have done is legal and correct.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 10:30, Friday 23 August 2024

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