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B489 west street downs cafe

Reported via mobile in the Crossings category anonymously at 09:21, Friday 19 July 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council 1 hour, 7 minutes later. Council ref: 409479.

In light of an accident today involving a child riding into this crossing, I urge you to address the usage of these parking bays outside of these shops on WEST STREET B489. If not possible, relocation of the crossings/roundabouts may help.

Having spoken to locals and done a little research, accidents are not uncommon on this road and this needs to be addressed urgently. I am not a traffic professional however, the geometry of the junction clearly shows that the pedestrian desire line, car speed, visibility/pedestrian vehicle flow, size of roundabouts, length of crossings/road width and guard rail sections were not considered.

The law asks for all drivers to not stop or park within 20 metres before or 10 metres after a pedestrian crossing or a children’s crossing. I think this is the most dangerous part of West Street as the parking bays are very close to the crossing.

Can you tell me What can/will be done in light of this to support safer streets for Pedestrians and drivers?

My most concern is the children. There are a high volume of children that go up and down these streets and I just feel something should be done to make it a lot safer for everyone.

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