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163 Johnson drive, LB, LU7 4RX

Reported via iOS in the Surface cover category anonymously at 16:14, Sunday 11 August 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 410198.

I nearly tripped over the public walk path. Can I please as who’s given a permission to install a car changer with permanent cable on the middle of the walk path at no 163 Johnson Dr. Even how installed did not think about health and safety. I had my walking stick as disable and I’ve nearly fall over.

Can someone with a bit of common sense can ask number 163 to removed and installed at the back of his house as they all have at least one delegated parking space. I’m about to involve a lawyer as no one should have ever given permission to install a high voltage cable on a public street with permanent tape on the pavement also without proper signal and authorisation by the council also this cable carries high voltage. This matter takes the high priority and I hope the council will persecute this person that illegally done it!

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  • Only goes up to no 28, could not see any ev cables across the footway. Is this the correct location?

    Thank you for your Highways report.

    We are currently assessing the matter and further information is currently being collated to assist us. If anything further is required from yourself as the person reporting the issue, one of our engineers will contact you using the contact details provided.
    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 07:55, Tuesday 13 August 2024

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