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Coopers Way, Houghton Regis, W3W address ///royal.slave.gravel.

Reported via mobile in the Not Turning on category by Houghton Regis Town Ranger at 20:03, Friday 30 August 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 410852.

Light column has not worked for many years according to residents. Residents have tried to report this issue for a while now but nothing has been done. The footpath is well used and anti social behaviour is becoming a problem for the public using the footpath as well as the residents who's house runs beside it, due to the darkness. The light column, as well as the footpath itself, is also completely overgrown. Even if the light did work, the growth would block the light. This needs rectifying before someone is hurt or attacked.

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