85, 83 81 high street clophill opposite primary school
Reported via mobile in the Road Surface category anonymously at 08:30, Wed 2 October 2024
Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 412580.
Having lived here for over 10 years we have never had bad flooding as this!
THE CAUSE - council have created a dam across the road by putting in a raised traffic calming pedestrian crossing opposite the school!!!!!!!
Not that it makes any difference as parents dropping their children off park both sides of the road in spite of these measures!
So the people it was intended too help are the worse culprits!!!!
Certainly support the traffic calming measures but it was unnecessary to raise the road!!!!
The gully is silted again only having been emptied a month so it doesn’t help drain the water and because of the dam water now sits outside our drives Impacting us further!
ACTION - SOLUTION add two 100mm channels with grills, one either side of the Road to allow storm water flow to carry on naturally down the road.
Many thanks appreciate other needs are more important!
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Central Bedfordshire Council at 08:30, Wed 2 October 2024
Thank you for contacting us with information relating to a Highways issue. We plan to inspect the site during the next instance of significant rainfall (that takes place during working hours) and decide on the best course of action.
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 12:39, Wed 2 October 2024
Thank you for your Highways report.
We have already been made aware of this issue from a seperate report and any action or updates will be undertaken on that reference number. Please be aware that there will be no further updates on this report.
We continue to monitor all defects to ensure the safety of our residents as part of the NMMP which can be found online - transport/ roads-strategies/ highways-asset-management.aspx
Many thanks,
Central Bedfordshire Council HighwaysState changed to: Duplicate
Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 13:38, Thu 3 October 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.