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Between no 7 and 9 Windsor Way

Reported via desktop in the Road Surface category anonymously at 16:14, Wednesday 2 October 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 412636.

I am hoping that you maybe able to advise me on a matter of parking. I live at 9 Windsor Way Sandy SG19 1JL. I am looking to get a new work van and I am thinking of going electric and have a drive way to the front of my property but am in a corner plot. There is an access road which at some point i assume serviced both properties mine and the bungalow next door No7. The opening to get a vehicle in is not wide enough and we are joined to no11 which has a very large front garden. I was wondering if someone could give me some advise as to weather it is possible to widen the gap so I could park a van on my drive to charge it which would take another van off the road and also be more cost effective for me and better for the environment

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Central Bedfordshire Council at 16:15, Wednesday 2 October 2024

  • Thank you for your Highways report.

    We have already been made aware of this issue from a seperate report and any action or updates will be undertaken on that reference number. Please be aware that there will be no further updates on this report.

    We continue to monitor all defects to ensure the safety of our residents as part of the NMMP which can be found online - transport/ roads-strategies/ highways-asset-management.aspx

    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways

    State changed to: Duplicate

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 14:30, Tuesday 8 October 2024

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