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Maulden road, all the way down the maulden road rounabout

Reported via mobile in the Signs category anonymously at 17:56, Wednesday 2 October 2024

Sent to Central Bedfordshire Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 412657.

Driving home from maulden to flitwick. Noticed that screwfix flitwick have put up about 10 plus signs on lampposts from the double t junction of maulden road to the roundabout facing traffic both ways. These have been put up today in the day as they were not there this morning. These have been put up and are a obstruction and have no authority to do so. Also hindering other business. If these could be removed and them to be told not to put them up this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. To recape they are on lamp posts running from the t-junction of maulden road in flitwick running to screwfix and from maulden road roundabout running to screwfix. Many thanks. This might not be the right drop down box I have selected but if you could sort it Many thanks.

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  • Thank you for your Highways report.

    We are currently assessing the matter and further information is currently being collated to assist us. If anything further is required from yourself as the person reporting the issue, one of our engineers will contact you using the contact details provided.
    Many thanks,
    Central Bedfordshire Council Highways

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Central Bedfordshire Council at 08:59, Tuesday 8 October 2024

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